add or delete new asante device

Uninstallation and reinstallation of an add-on device on Asante app

This procedure is for removing an add-on device such as Garage Door Camera, garage door sensor, Irrigation Controller or a Smoke Detector and replacing them with new ones.

Please note, if you have a garage door sensor and you are replacing the camera, both sensor and camera need to be removed. If you are only replacing the sensor, then only the sensor needs to be removed.

This document uses the garage door camera as an example but any other product can be removed the same way.

1. Login to app and click on settings button, click on Uninstall

2. In our example, we are replacing a camera and since we also have a sensor, we are removing both the sensor and the camera (If you are replacing the sensor only, just select sensor).

3. Click OK to the message (device removal successful…) and go back to the previous page.

4. Connect the new camera to power. Wait until all the lights are solid and not blinking. You should now see a message in the app asking you to claim the new camera. If you do not see a message, press the refreh button. Wait unitl the camera has been successfully claimed.

5. If you have a garage door sensor, unlock and remove the cap. Press the reset button inside the sensor. You will notice that the LED light cmes on and immediately goes off. You should now see a message in the app asking you to claim the sensor and pair it with the correct door button.

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